Author Archives: glokal

Message from Doğan Akhanlı

Message of Doğan Akhanlı to the participants of the “Arsch huh” event: “Wähle jon – Demokratie braucht keine Alternative!” on 27.08. in Cologne:

“Dear friends!

Because of my arrest in Spain due to Turkey’s intervention, I am a bit tired and exhausted right now, but despite the current threat, my strength against racism and discrimination has not diminished. On the contrary!

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Meslektaşımız Doğan Akhanlı’nın Tutuklanması

19 Aǧustos 2017 Cumartesi itibariyle arkadaşımız ve meslektaşımız Dogan Akhanlı’nın Granada’da tutuklandığı haberini büyük bir kaygı ile öğrendik. Resmi kaynaklar tutuklama kararının, Türk hükümetinin isteği doğrultusunda İnterpolun kırmızı bültenine dayanılarak yapıldığını doğrulamış bulunmaktadırlar.

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Libertad para Doğan Akhanlı

Con gran preocupación nos hemos enterado de que nuestro colega, el escritor Doğan Akhanlı, fue detenido en Granada (España) el sábado 19 de Agosto de 2017 en las tempranas horas de la mañana. Agentes del Cuerpo Nacional de la Policía española accionaron acatando una orden de captura internacional de la Interpol por reclamación de las autoridades turcas. Continue reading

Arrest of our colleague Doğan Akhanlı

It is with great concern that we have learned that our colleague, the writer Doğan Akhanlı, was arrested in Granada, Spain, in the early hours of Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017. According to officially confirmed information, the Spanish police were responding to an international emergency note issued by Interpol and initiated by Turkey. Continue reading

Decolonize Munich

Documentation of a nationwide unique exhibition project on post/colonial memory culture. How have colonialism and racism inscribed themselves in Munich’s cityscape? How are traces of the colonial past dealt with in the city? In which places do postcolonial conflicts condense? What is debated, what is suppressed and concealed? Who may speak about the global history of the city? Whose stories are heard, whose life traces perceived? What does decolonizing mean today? continue / order

Nothing learned!

Three years ago, together with a large nationwide alliance, we published the Open Letter “Decolonize Orientation Framework!” [https://decolonizeorientierungsrahmen /] authored In the meantime, the Framework has been revised and reissued and is being disseminated in countless implementation projects in schools and civil society.
At the beginning of September this year, another expert conference on the orientation framework [https://www] will be held in Bad Honnef. A look at the program disappoints all who expected a further development in the sense of a decolonial, emancipatory education. In terms of content, the event shines with blanks on educational work critical of power and racism. In terms of personnel, it is mainly white men who are in the program. Migrant-diasporic and Black perspectives, as well as perspectives of color, are again absent from the content and panels. I wonder if the organizers of the Engagement Global event will publish their own position paper on anti-racism. [https://www””] know? At any rate, the fine words remain empty as far as the orientation framework is concerned. The orientation framework has not arrived in the German migration society. On the contrary, the orientation framework continues to serve as a tool for maintaining white supremacy.

Let’s break the silence! Solidarity with refugees and rescuers

The situation on the Mediterranean Sea and in Libya has once again become more brutal. The conditions for sea rescues are becoming increasingly difficult. The EU is contributing to this escalation.
Refugees in distress at sea are currently rescued mainly by NGOs. In contrast, the so-called Libyan coast guard, which is supported by the EU, is acting increasingly harshly against refugees and rescuers. Libyan units, an opaque web of security forces, militias, and smugglers, fire on rescue boats and obstruct the work of NGOs in the Mediterranean. In Libya, people are abducted, tortured and raped. This also happens in official detention centers. Continue reading

kassel postcolonial

In German colonialism, Kassel was an important hub for advancing colonial expansion and securing relations of domination. Traces of this can still be found in many places today: the Orangerie was the setting for a colonial exhibition, in the Witzenhausen
Colonial School, personnel were trained for the African colonies and along Untere Königstraße numerous colonial goods stores marketed products. It is important to the kassel postcolonial project to establish connections between Kassel’s role in the historical
colonialism and our everyday life today and to make visible the after-effect/continued effect of colonial traditions, perspectives and power relations.