Tag Archives: institutional racism

“The (German) One-World Work from a Single Source?”

The Berlin-based association for migrant-diasporic organizations in One World, moveglobal e.V., has published a policy article on the relationship between development NGOs and migrant organizations in its latest publication. In the detailed article, Lucía Muriel discusses, for example, the functionalization of migrants and current challenges in cooperation. In doing so, she finds courageous words and, for example, in the chapter “Attempting a Paradigm Shift,” makes clear demands on the development policy scene:

“We will not continue to tolerate the conditions of a colonial reality that is over 500 years old. This applies to all current discourses and practices, to theories, to debates and to the practice of work. We will no longer allow governmental and non-governmental representatives, full-time and voluntary actors, established or newly emerging sponsors to dictate our perspective on the field of migration and development. In concrete terms, this means that none of the various forms of sole power to shape, define and decide are permissible any longer. Rather, all actors, including those who have been successfully excluded so far, must set out and engage in new forms of cooperation, distribution of resources, and power to shape.” (S.17)

The article is rounded off by an epilogue “How I stand on the bridge-builders’ discourse” and a glossary, and is supplemented in the appendix by a contribution from Andreas Rosen of the Stiftung Nord-Süd Brücken.

The publication can be ordered from moveglobal e.V. for 9 euros.

Oranienplatz activist in deportation custody – Refugee Council demands release

On July 29, 2014, Badra Ali Diarra, an activist from Oranienplatz, was taken into custody pending deportation at the instigation of the Börde Aliens Office (Saxony-Anhalt). He is to be deported to Italy. The man from Mali is part of the so-called Oranienplatz agreement with the Senate. However, he did not receive the redistribution to Berlin and subsequent case-by-case examination promised by the Senate. The deportation stop promised in the settlement paper is also not granted. Continue reading

Trials against racism in Munich nightlife

Last year, in cooperation with the Munich Foreigners’ Advisory Council, Hamado Dipama conducted a test action in 25 Munich nightclubs and discos on April 19, 2013 and April 20, 2013 with six friends of different origins and with the journalist IsabelIe Hartmann from Bayerischer Rundfunk. The result was devastating. Of the total of 25 clubs and discos visited, the campaign participants of African and Turkish origin were granted admission to only 5 of the 25 venues, while the comparison persons were admitted to every club without exception. Now the Munich District Court has come to the astonishing conclusion that there is no evidence of discrimination against the plaintiff Hamado Dipama. The Munich Foreigners’ Advisory Council has issued the following press release on this scandalous court decision. Continue reading

NSU slam on police: ‘State & Nazis hand in hand’ does not denigrate state

On the recently blogged criminialization of political anti-racist work, Migazin reports:

“What followed could not have come at a more embarrassing time for the Berlin State Criminal Police Office. On June 10, the Berlin public prosecutor’s office discontinued the criminal proceedings initiated by the police on the grounds of denigration of the state. The prosecution assesses the disputed statement [Staat und Nazis Hand in Hand] as a permissible expression of opinion in the context of the findings on the NSU complex and emphasizes “that the phrase ‘state and Nazis hand in hand’ does not express an equation of the state with Nazis, but only denounces a close cooperation of the state with Nazis.”

This may be provocative and exaggerated, the public prosecutor’s office admits, but adds: “But against the background of the public debate about the role of state organs in connection with the NSU attacks and the topicality of this debate due to the ongoing trial in Munich against those involved in the NSU, as well as the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack in Cologne, the statement is nevertheless to be accepted as a permissible expression of opinion.””

Poverty Immigration – A Populist Myth

Amaro Foro e.V. and the Rroma-Informations-Centrum have issued a joint press release in which they criticize the planned tightening of the law by the German government, which is to take action against the alleged social abuse by Romanian and Bulgarian citizens. The two organizations point out that this populist measure promotes racist prejudices and stirs up fears. Social abuse takes place first and foremost on the part of the German economy, which profits from the precarious situation of many immigrants. To the press release

Criminalization of political antiracist work

Since yesterday noon, the freshly hung mural on the corner of Manteuffelstrasse and Oranienstrasse (Berlin-Kreuzberg) commemorating the NSU nail bomb attack in Cologne’s Keupstrasse has a hole and thus a gap in its content – the phrase “NSU: State and Nazis hand in hand” was torn out of the picture by the Berlin Fire Department on behalf of the Berlin police, without a court order. Allmende e.V. and the Alliance Against Racism have issued a press release on this scandalous criminalization of political anti-racist work.

Preventing the deportation of a refugee activist

On Wednesday, May 28, 2014, Abdoul Drammé Kaboré, one of the refugees protesting at Alex and Breitscheidtplatz, was to be deported from Berlin-Tegel to Spain. Thanks to the dedicated resistance of the activists of Asylum Rights Evolution as well as friends and supporters, this could be prevented for the time being. Now, however, the deportation is to take place next Tuesday, 3.06. (exact time not yet known), will take place. Continue reading

Cloves for Napuli!

Joint appeal by AfricAvenir International, AFROTAK TV CyberNomads, Berlin Postkolonial, glokal, Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland, Tanzania-Network.de

Cloves for Napuli!

Almost without food, Refugee activist Napuli Langa sat on a plane tree at Berlin’s Oranienplatz for five days, refusing to leave the destroyed refugee camp. Before descending weakened but safe last night, she won a great victory for the refugees at Oranienplatz. In writing, the Senate has assured that the refugees’ info tent will be rebuilt. So it is clear: The protest continues – O-Platz is living!
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For Whites Only? Return of looted bones to Namibia behind closed doors

[Update to this blog post under Receipt of Bones Boycotted].

Joint Press Release of the International NGO Alliance “Genocide has no statute of limitations!” and the Central Council of the African Community in Germany

For Whites Only?

Germany excludes descendants of colonized people and critical public from return of further stolen bones to Namibia in Berlin Charité. 120 NGOs demand apology and reparations for colonial land theft and genocide in Namibia. Central Council of the African Community in Germany demands return of all bones and cultural treasures appropriated in Africa.

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New evidence of murder of Oury Jalloh

On November 11, 2013, the Initiative in Memory of Oury Jalloh e.V. and several individuals filed criminal charges of manslaughter or murder against unknown police officers in the Oury Jalloh death case with the Federal Prosecutor General Harald Range in Karlsruhe. The basis for this is a new fire report, which was presented at a press conference on November 12, 2013. Donations are still urgently needed for expert opinions/investigations, legal and court fees, and political action.