Tag Archives: Sarrazin

UN Committee against Racism (CERD) reprimands the Federal Republic in the Sarrazin case

In 2009, the Turkish Federation Berlin Brandenburg filed a criminal complaint against Thilo Sarrazin for incitement of the people and insult with the Berlin public prosecutor’s office. The proceedings were discontinued. Now the Turkish Federation has filed a complaint with the UN Committee against Racism (CERD), and in its decision it has severely reprimanded the German government.

TBB spokesman Hilmi Kaya TURAN said in a press release: “This is a historic decision. The CERD Committee found that Mr. Sarrazin’s statements were based on a sense of racial superiority or hatred and contained elements of incitement to racial discrimination. The CERD Committee has determined that despite existing legal provisions, implementation of the provisions of the Convention in the Federal Republic is inadequate in practice. The Committee has called on the Federal Republic to act accordingly. In addition, the committee implicitly recommended appropriate training for prosecutors and judges. We expect the federal government, the Bundestag and the state governments to implement the CERD recommendations without delay.”